Host Companies
“Throughout the week the students were very driven to complete the task at hand. The innovating thinking, dedication and shear hard work each student put in what unbelievable. The students applied their team building and problem solving techniques that were given to them at the start of the week. Their office whiteboard had outlines of mind maps, to do lists and timetables. Part of this project involved surveying the community. The students undertook this task, which can often be quite confronting, in a confident and professional manner. Many community members commented on what a great job the students were doing.”
Mornington Peninsula Shire
Mindshop Excellence is a fantastic opportunity to have a real issue addressed in your business by a fresh set of eyes. As the students learn and develop their skills, your company benefits with improvements that could increase growth and profit in your business. It’s also an opportunity to put something back into your community by assisting the next generation of workers and give them a real insight into industry.
Click here to download a Host Information pack for everything a host needs to know about hosting a program.
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FAQs for Hosts
What do I need to provide?
- Completed work experience arrangement forms provided by the school
- a current issue your company is facing that the students can work on (click here for examples) that a representative from the host company can present to the students on the afternoon of Day 1 of the program
- a room large enough for 4-6 students to work in for the week
- access to a photocopier / printer and internet connection
- an allocated company representative to be the students' point of call for the week to answer any questions as well as provide them with a tour of the business and required safety protocols
- A projector / screen and space, such as a boardroom for the students to present their findings to you, your team, as well as the students' parents and teachers on the final day of the program
What are some examples of real issues provided by other hosts?
Please click here to see a range of issues that have been completed in the past with some amazing solutions by the team
What about confidentiality?
We recommend selecting an issue that is appropriate for the students that will not need any confidential material circulated but on the occasions it may, we suggest reinforcing when you present the issue to the students the need to keep all facts, figures and information confidential.
Is there a cost to be a host?
Work experience protocol varies for each region.
In Australia, it is an OHS requirement for employers to pay the standard Work Experience fees to each student, in Australia this is $5 per day. This is not a payment for their services but a reimbursement of extra travel costs the students may incur. No payment is made to a student engaged under an Arrangement under a Commonwealth Act. Payment does not include payment in kind (ie. A gift card or voucher must not be used to pay students engaged under an Arrangement). For further clarification, please click here. Some employers value the benefits of the student’s recommendations so much that they pay more than the rate but it’s not expected.
Mindshop Excellence is a charitable trust and any donations towards the future of our program are appreciated but completely voluntary.
Who supervises the students each day?
There will be a main point of contact at the host who can give the students a tour of the premises, inform them of any health and safety protocols / training, and answer any questions they have about the company.
Hosts should liaise immediately or as soon as possible with the school work experience coordinator or the Mindshop Advisor regarding any issues arising in the workplace. If the student is absent without notification, the host should contact the teacher in charge of the work experience program straight away.
In the unlikely case a student is injured or falls ill, the host must contact the school as soon as possible.
What should I include on our tour of the premises with the students when they arrive on Day 1?
- We encourage you to conduct an employee induction briefing, explaining any health and safety requirements, safe manual handing procedures, identifying any potential risk situations and reinforce safe work practices. Your tour of the premises should include:
- Where to store personal possessions
- Where toilets are located
- Wi-Fi details
- Coffee / Tea / Water or any other available refreshments
- Security, fire and emergency procedures
- Confidentiality issues
- Restricted work areas and equipment that students must avoid